Wednesday, January 18, 2012

OBEY T-Shirts | Bootcamp | Love Me

The first bits of the OBEY Spring / Summer collection arrived this morning including a couple of T-Shirts and the return of the Sticker Pack.

Above is the a collaboration between Curtis Kulig and Obey. Born in 1981. At age 13, he began screen printing in his father’s shop, laying the foundation for his work as an artist.

Kulig’s most notable work “Love Me” is a mixed-media message that can not only be found in his prints and canvases, but amongst the street corners and rooftops of New York, Los Angeles, Paris and Tokyo.

The Bootcamp T-Shirt also arrived - A simple military T-Shirt with 'OBEY' replacing 'ARMY'.

Finally we have the Sticker Packs back in store, Icon Face (below) and the classic assorted pack.